Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pre-Amalgamation Settlement Agreement Does Not Bar Action by Amalgamated Entity

Pfizer Canada Inc v Teva Canada Ltd 2015 FCA 257 Gauthier JA: Webb, Near JJA
            2,163,446 / VIAGRA / sildenafil

In this decision the FCA held that a pre-amalgamation settlement agreement entered into by one of two subsequently amalgamated entities does not bar an action by the amalgamated entity based on pre-amalgamation events affecting the other entity.

In 2006-08, Teva (then Novopharm) and ratiopharm both filed ANDS for sildenafil. Pfizer sought orders of prohibition in respect of both under s 6 of the PM(NOC) Regulations. Pfizer and ratiopharm settled, and under the terms of the Agreement ratiopharm agreed not to launch until expiry of the patent. Teva and ratiopharm then amalgamated. The s 6 action against Teva proceeded, and Teva ultimately prevailed: Viagra 2012 SCC 60. The Minister granted an NOC in respect of Teva-sildenafil and Teva then brought a s 8 action for damages for having been keep out of the market by the NOC proceeding. Teva did not claim any damages relating to ratio-sildenafil, but only in respect of Teva-sildenafil. Pfizer brought a motion for summary judgment on the basis that Agreement entered into with ratiopharm barred the action by Teva. Pfizer acknowledged that when the Agreement was entered into, the parties did not intend to cover Teva’s product, but it argued that the scope of the Agreement changed as a result of the amalgamation [21]-[22]. Not very surprisingly, the FCA, affirming O’Keefe J, held that the Agreement only bars Teva from seeking s 8 damages in respect of ratio-sildenafil, and Teva's action in respect of Teva-sildenafil can proceed: [25].

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